
 Together with Haskelberg Nursery, we produce annual and by-annual avocado trees, according to the farmer’s choice and order.

All of the working process is carried out “In-house”, from germination thru root stock grafting and scion, cultivating mature plant and up until the release date to farmer.

All of our plant material and working procedure are inspected and authorized by the relevant authorities and are held by the highest standard set by the global market.

Our varieties are: Ettinger, Hass, Lamb Hass, Pinkerton, Lavie, Gem, Galil, Day, Reed, Carmen and more.

Our rootstocks are: Dgania 117, Dgania 62, Fairchild, Ashdot 17, Dgania 189, Day, Shiller, Tzrifin 99 and more.

Contact Details

Kibbutz Ga'aton ,D.N. Ashrat
Yoel Isenberg
Fax: 04-9960943
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